mostly pointless meanderings

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


It's 3am. I laid down to go to sleep half an hour ago. And was suddenly and inexplicably wracked by horrible coughing. That deep-in-your-chest-my-back-hurts coughing. I stop coughing, and I wheeze with every breath. Justin says if I do that all night, he'll shoot himself. So I'm out here in the dining room, making myself a cup of tea and listening to myself make weird bronchial noises.

No, I don't have asthma, I haven't gotten into any more dust or stuff than I typically have, I don't think... I mean, I laid down with C earlier to put him back to sleep, and I didn't start a coughing fest then.

In going through boxes o'crap to make "to sell" and "to keep" piles (all y'all doubters out there - my "to sell" pile is actually quite large, so bite me, the pack-rat tendencies do not always win out!) I came across a box of school stuff - 1996-97ish era college work.

It's interesting how depression fucks with your memory. I have notebooks full of notes for classes I don't remember taking. And if there were any doubt that I am bipolar, some of the stuff found in there would remove it. Bad depression poetry. Bad! And manic papers written for some crappy writing class.

I discovered that I graduated with my AA from TCC with a 3.48 cumulative gpa. That explains the "honors" sticker on my diploma that I always wondered about.

Okay, going to go read the news, which I've not seen (nor heard much of) today. Anybody wanna take any bets that I read something new and disgusting about the current political administration and/or gas prices?

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