mostly pointless meanderings

Thursday, April 07, 2005


Which is worse - getting no sleep, or sleeping and having non-stop nightmares?

How about being woken up several times during the night and picking up where you left off on your nightmares?


Does life ever slow down?


Monster said...

You wouldn't REALLY like it, even if it did.

Stay strong, and as Dan told me once, SHOOT THE ZOMBIES IN THE HEAD.

Much love, sistah!

Hawkmistress said...

Damn, THAT'S what my problem has been!
*makes note... "headshots good"...*

And you know, sometimes I wonder - now that I'm older and more mature, perhaps I'd appreciate the slower things in life more than I did as a callow youth... I keep remembering that chinese curse: May you live in interesting times. These times sure ain't boring, you know?

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