mostly pointless meanderings

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

What a week

Sunday was such a high, I think my borderline personality disorder is making these recent days low. *sigh* The closing song of the Tigger Movie almost made me cry. I think I'll go take some B vitamins.

I had a great time with Khang. He's a generous guy, and paid for everything (which is the only way I really could have gone, because we're broke - moving is expensive) and the concert was wonderful. I'd forgotten how much I liked Tori's music. I had a few moments of emotional upheaval at the beginning, remembering personal history when her music was in the house quite a bit - the time before J and I got together, and what a depressing, emotionally fucked up time that was. However, I managed to get past that and enjoy the concert, for which I am supremely greatful - maybe I'm getting better at this whole mental self-control thing after all. I helped Khang get his amazingly nice digital camera in, and he actually got some good shots - I can't wait to see the rest of them.

The chaos of the house grates on my nerves. I was so focused on getting the move done last week that it didn't get to me - but now I'm having a hard time with it. J is stressed to the gills with work - not only is his current job a clusterfuck, he's been hired in all but final paperwork at another place, so he's suffering from short-timers disease to boot. I'm looking for the PERI or LEDS life stress events checklist online; I'm sure his and mine are through the roof.

Fortunately the kids are great; mom's obeying the doctor's orders (for once) and I'm slowly but surely unpacking and putting the house together and getting us organized. I just have to remember that, like breathing, it's a never ending process.

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