mostly pointless meanderings

Thursday, April 21, 2005

I love my mother-in-law.

I've had several MILs. This one, however, is one that I'd like to be friends with even if I hadn't married her son.

She called me out of the blue earlier this evening, and asked if I was able/interested in doing a spur-of-the-moment dinner with her. J said he could watch the kids, so I leapt at the chance. I really need to spend more time with her - I enjoy her company so much, but it always seems to go by so quickly...

On days when I'm feeling tired, stressed, and depressed, I need to remember moments like this. Moments where I feel so amazingly lucky to be where I am, with J, two beautiful children, family that I love (even when they're crazy, and I mean family I married into as well as my own)... I have so much to be thankful for, and for once I don't feel unworthy or guilty about it - yes, an average of 30,000 children under the age of 5 die from hunger-related problems a day. Yes, people in China are throwing away children - mostly female or deformed males. Yes, a raging conservative has been named the next pope. Yes, fundamentalists of all types are going around killing other people in an orgy of self-righteousness, and the United States government spends enough on Defense to feed the entire planet...

My mother-in-law reminds me that change for the better is done one person at a time. It's disturbingly "It's A Wonderful Life"-esque, but it's accurate: I know, at this moment, that I have made more of an impact than I realize I have, and that ANY impact is better than none. I realize that I cannot change the world, or solve the worlds' problems, or even solve my parents' problems - in fact, sometimes I even have trouble solving my OWN problems - but my day-to-day existence makes a difference I'm not even aware of.

Thanks, Kaye. I admire you greatly, I enjoy your company, and I'm glad I know you.


unMuse said...

oh hun.. don't EVER doubt that you have made a difference - atleast in my life :-)

i don't think i could have made it through the things i did without your understanding.

Hawkmistress said...

You know, I think you just made my day. Thank you. :)

And honestly, that goes both ways - talking with you has allowed me to think through a lot of my own stuff too, in ways I wouldn't have been able to before - not to mention giving me different points of view, which I'm bad about neglecting when I'm pissed off.

unMuse said...

it's amazing what honesty and acceptance between people can do. i am glad i have been able to help as well - i was hoping this wasn't 1 sided :)

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