mostly pointless meanderings

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I must be crazy.

(and you all are going "well, DUH, is this news?")

Our landlord called. There are some people interested in the house that looked at it before we moved in. They need it by Dec 15th, however. So in exchange for us not having to pay the first two weeks in December and our entire security deposit back, we're going to be out by the 15th.

I think it's amazingly nice of her, seeing as how we're breaking our lease to begin with. She really likes us; I chatted with her for over half an hour yesterday. Anyway, so we have less than a month to get out now. I've decided that not everything will probably be sorted, and that's okay. The sorted boxes will be on the outside edges of the storage unit, and the unsorted ones in the middle - I can always sort through it a box at a time in my spare time.


Okay, what was I saying? I wonder what I have to do at FSU now to get the ball rolling... THAT is going to have to wait until the new year, I believe, as between moving and rearranging my parents' house, my plate is more than full for a while. That goes on the back burner. (My stove has about fifty burners right now.)

I really wish my daughter wasn't so fond of Cinderella. The Disney version has really started to get on my nerves lately. Just, bleah, you know?
And before I buy a watch online I'm going to go try some on in stores - the watch I'm wearing right now is evidently VERY small, and even a ladies' digital/analog watch (that rarity beyond measure) is going to be larger.

OH - my friend Khang sent me this link that just BLOWS my mind. I'm seriously, seriously considering trying to get my hands on some of this stuff. Part of me worries about what kind of mental chemistry mess I'd create - since I'm already a bit funky somehow now - but DAMN, could I use some... especially now!


The Kaiser said...

Fuck that. I don't really have enough time either, but I don't think I want to start down that slippery slope (not to mention that I'm always wary of drugs with quite this much mystery about how they work).

You should give up on wrist watches alltogether and get a Flava Flav neck-clock.

Hawkmistress said...

And yet we have time to waste online... and while I'm wary of drugs too, I'm coming to the conclusion that even my hormone pills act in ways not fully understood. (Of course, that might just be because I'm whacked.)

Hrm, a necklace timepiece... I'd not thought of that. Harder to leave on 24/7, I would think. I should ask Flava Flav how he manages. (If my watch is as big as his, I can use it for a purse, too!)

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