mostly pointless meanderings

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Well, whatever

Damn realtor woman who is going to show the house after Thanksgiving wouldn't really take no for an answer and is probably coming by tomorrow. I worked this weekend. House still looks like a battle zone. Between packing, sorting stuff that's been thrown in boxes through four previous moves (I refuse to move boxes of shit anymore, it's all getting gone through - unless I run out of time, of course. *sigh*) the house looks like hell. It looked like hell before, too. She wants to do a walk-through to see what needs to be done to "market" the house. The carpet will need washing, lady. You'll need to do some paint touch up. What the fuck do you want? So I'm stressing the hell out that the house is not clean. Having just tried to put C to bed, I have now gotten to the "fuck everything" mode and am sitting here in the recliner trying to get the world back into perspective while J works on bedtime for the kids. They both have picked up on my stress level lately (and I have to say, having this woman come by during the week & a half/two weeks that I'm a complete emotional wreck, right before Thanksgiving, while I'm packing up my house - I just want to smack her) and have been increasingly harder to put to bed.

Speaking of stress levels, while J & I were at Publix (Where Shopping Is A Pleasure But Working Sucks) getting stuff for mom & dad, what blast from the past should we run into but our old friend S. She said she found my blog - small world. I forgot to ask her how. She looks a lot happier than the last time we saw her - leaving E-net probably helped; that place would suck the life out of Shirley Temple. I hope the men in her life are treating her better, too. And her mother, that crazy bitch. Anyway, her kids are adorable (I never got to meet her daughter, and her son has grown up) and she lives on the north side, so we'll probably run into her grocery shopping all the time once we move up there. She looks at me like on some level she wouldn't mind if I drowned, and looks at J differently, but I honestly expected that. She always had a thing for J anyway, and I pissed her off. Who knows if we'll do anything but pass in the bakery.

J's mother once again couldn't watch the kids - this time she didn't have previous plans or anything; she thought she'd contracted scabies, and was going to be disinfecting the house and getting it ready for her parents, who are coming next week for Thanksgiving. I'm just going to stop asking her. I remember when her other two grandsons lived in town - even before they were planning on moving far away, she'd take them both for the day, or they'd go to her place for sleep-overs... but she doesn't ever have time for my kids. I don't know if she's just decided she needs to take time for herself or what, but when I'm particularly stressed out and could really use the help I get cranky about it. I never thought when J & I were going to have a child that she was going to spend the most time with MY mother.

I am going to go play a mindless online game and pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist for a little while. Hope the rest of you are having fun.


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Hawkmistress said...

I've seen you around on friends' blogs, thought your comments showed a brain, and figured I'd check you out.

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