mostly pointless meanderings

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Yay for Depo!

Soon, no more periods! That'll be nice. The lack of hormonal cycling should make life a little more even for me; we'll see how it goes.

On a totally different note, I got the letter from FSU the other day. The whole "thanks for submitting your application, it's denied" letter. *sigh* Okay, I know nothing is simple, especially nothing worth getting, but goddammit I was hoping THIS at least would be simple right now! ARGH! So going back to school and finishing my 4 year degree will take a little longer to get restarted. Oh, well. When I'm done moving and trying to sell my house before it's foreclosed I'll get back on that.

Back to packing! Two weeks left! Oh, and we have to show the house this Sunday to the people who are taking it. So I wonder, if they change their minds, do we still have to be out by the 15th? I mean, why else would they want to look at it again? They've seen it before, they've seen pictures - they just want to do a walk-through. I got smart-ass with the realtor when she said they wanted to see it again; I said "tell them it looks exactly the same except the carpet is dirty."

What am I doing blabbing in here? Gotta run! Hey, if any of you would like to watch the kids for a little while in the next two weeks, any sort of babysitting would be wonderful. I love them to death, but they're killing me.


The Kaiser said...

Y'know, you could have achieved that same goal (no period) just by taking normal BC pills and skipping the inert placebos at the end of the pack.
Also, don't feel bad about smarting off to realtors. They're generally bad people, and because of this it's always best to assume that any individual realtor is a ratbastard until proven otherwise.

Hawkmistress said...

Yes, but Depo is all progesterone, while the BC pills I'm on now are an estrogen/progesterone combo. I think part of my problem is too much estrogen. We'll see after I've been on Depo for a while - I love being a guinea pig. :)

T.H. Elliott said...

Having never had periods, no comment.

FSU? Fuck em. Try to get into TCC, and go from there. FSU is over-rated in my opinion, they dumb down a lot of the classes.

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